30 May 2023
EV Charging and the Evolution of Shopping Centres

The consumer landscape is ever-changing, with retailers racing to gain that competitive edge. With the rising popularity of electric cars, shopping centres are recognising the need to cater to a wider consumer base. EV charging stations are becoming an essential feature in shopping centres and are an integral part of revolutionising the retail experience.

The Growing Demand for EV Charging:

As electric vehicles gain traction globally, more and more consumers are embracing the transition to sustainable transportation. This shift has created a growing demand for EV charging infrastructure, especially in public spaces like shopping centres. By offering EV charging stations, shopping centres can attract a new segment of customers who prioritise convenience. It's a win-win situation, as shoppers can conveniently charge their vehicles while enjoying their retail experience.

Convenient and Time-Efficient Charging:

One of the key benefits of having EV charging stations in shopping centres is the convenience factor. Shoppers can simply park their electric vehicles, plug them into the charging station, and continue with their shopping activities. This eliminates the need for EV owners to go out of their way to find a separate charging station, saving them time and effort. With the average shopping trip lasting around one to two hours, it provides an ideal opportunity for EV owners to charge their vehicles while they browse, ensuring they have sufficient range to continue their journey.

Gaining a Competitive Advantage:

As the popularity of electric vehicles continues to rise, the availability of EV charging stations is becoming a crucial factor for consumers when choosing where to shop. Shopping centres that proactively invest in EV charging infrastructure gain a competitive advantage over their counterparts. It allows them to differentiate themselves from other retail locations and positions them as forward-thinking and customer-centric establishments. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing the EV charging trend, shopping centres can capture a larger market share and attract new customers.

Increase Dwell Time:

One often overlooked advantage of installing EV charging stations in shopping centres is the potential to increase dwell time among shoppers. EV owners typically require a reasonable amount of time to charge their vehicles, providing an opportunity for them to explore the shopping centre further. By offering charging stations, shopping centres can encourage shoppers to spend more time within their premises, browsing through stores, enjoying dining options, and engaging with various amenities. This extended dwell time not only boosts the chances of additional purchases but also enhances the overall shopping experience.

The surge in EV charging stations at shopping centres reflects the growing demand for sustainable transportation options and the changing consumer preferences. By offering convenient and time-efficient charging, shopping centres can attract eco-conscious shoppers and leverage a competitive advantage in the retail landscape. As electric vehicles become increasingly prevalent on our roads, integrating EV charging infrastructure will not only enhance the shopping experience but also demonstrate a commitment to a more sustainable future.

To find out more about how EVC can help your shopping centre, click here.